Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Just need 15 Minutes Make a spektakuler Blog_1

To be able to create a blog, Make easy is not difficult at all, as easy as we turn over a palm of the hand Edit HTML(enough with the willingness of capital), do not need to spend to spend the money to pay a special private, through this blog we will invite you to create a blog in a super-sophisticated enough matter of hours, no need for days let alone private for months, with practical techniques, making it very easy to follow and practice for the website address once pemula.banyak blog creation service providers, among others: the blog service providers from outside such as: Blogger, Wordpress, Multiply, Blog Drive. While local service providers block made children of the nation itself: Can Blog, Blog Gaul, Blog Dag dig dug, etc. Second Blog

In this tutorial I prefer bloggers as a web service provider making this blog, with consideration of bloggers have advantages such as:

· Can change the design. By editing the style file (CSS), we can change the design as we want.

· Can be made adsense. The majority peraup money from Adsense using free blogs, usually wearing bloggers. Perhaps because of blogger and adsense is equally owned by Google. So much easier to adsense approved them.

    * Initial capital to be able to create a blog is that we must have an e-mail address, but do not worry much less frustrated and discouraged even worse to make and has a super-sophisticated blog, rugiiii, because through our blog to doing whatever we want, start of a diary, make-do work, store data, communicate with others, and many more benefits of blogs, not even the possibility to add even more fantastic earnings again can make us rich.
    * Through this blog we will also routinely invites you to realize the dream mentioned above, for more details on a regular basis we invite you to open this blog, hopefully useful and blessing for us all.
* Let us begin the next step in making a blog after we have e-mail address is visit the website creating a blog service provider, in this case we use blogger.com
    * Type the website address is: www.bolgger.com in the row address bar, until the start screen image appears as follows

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